- No, it is not a distraction, it is something that the cult of personality seems to have swept into the trash bin … It is called the LAW. This is just another reason why I no longer subscribe to the National Review.
- I actually don't care where he was born as he is not a "natural born citizen" since his father was Kenyan.
- Gibbs said yesterday obama was a citizen; He did not say he was a 'natural born' citizen.
- it is all part of the same web of lies that the POSOTUS is fabricating. This Kenyan buttwipe needs to realize he may or may not be legaly the president….but if he tries to touch the constitution with his criminal touch (he did promise to obey and protect and follow the constitution) he will be in a world of hurt….and wind up losing states to secession, and where that will follow.
- Hey! We have all been screaming for the msm (controlled media) to get onboard on the BC story—so here it is! They all want a piece of the pie now—didja think they were going to take the Patriot side of the issue? Fat chance—they are just going to cloud the issue even further now. The state gubmint in Hawaii is going to glorify him now. At least Rush and Glenn Beck are spelling the truth out to the American people now (not We The People—the wee sheeple), on other issues that is. On the other hand, GB has not attacked the real issues lately—that I have heard anyway—y'know, the BC issue, of course, and those "camps", ML, etc. Who knowa? perhaps he too will wake up…???
- The National Review is a periodical that I have done without for over 30 years. I began to fall out of love with the magazine about the time William F. Buckley joined Jimmie (the Geek) Carter in pushing for the giveaway of the Panama Canal which is currently operated by interests of Communist China.
- Once again the National Review lets down the conservative movement. Lowrey is a naive boob. Goldberg is unreadable. And when will he apologize to Ann Coulter?
- which is why I think he was primed for this position for over 20 years and those behind the scenes have been planning on taking the country since Ayers stopped his bombing. He knew it would never work and as Marx and Hitler said or realised. We cannot further our agenda by violence it has to be done by getting into positions of power and influence. What better position than the presidency. He has no clue but they have covered his background up, they set his background up by the two books instead. There are so many questions and yet the media sit there and say , nah he is an America he had something in the paper or he had a thing on a website. All he has to do is show the damn thing. All the media have to do is go to Kenya and ask why two of his family say they saw him born there and ask why they are charging tourists to see bozo's birth place in Kenya
- It's easyh to believe this editorial was written by "The Editors". It appears that different editors wrote different paragraphs and they never got together to compare.
- Yes, BS is an undocumented worker residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Certain groups can't govern themselves. Look at the Bahamas - Burned out ends of Grand Bahama Island are a testament to the fervor of certain groups when they feel empowerd.
- National Review was sinking but they have hit rock bottom. It seems like it all fell apart after Bill died. Sad. We keep hearing the "let's move on" or "let's forcus on…" - it takes 5 minutes to provide the long form BC. It does not distract from anything.
- If you send a Letter to the Editor of NR, you get an Out of Office reply from them. Hmmmm?
- I think National Review is almost out of business. The print magazine may no longer exist. Rich ?? forget his name left and Lucianne's son was running it but he really is not up to the task. I guess they don't get the Saudi money like Huff Po or LGF. Maybe they decided to start taking it.
- I National Review "Editors" smarter than you, come down from on high and ask you to "please move along" nothing to see here citizen. I will not reveal to you that we expended no money or resources, hired no investigative journalist to support the band wagon conclusion that BO is your new official and certified master.
- Coulter is a disappointment. Where is HER plan? What is SHE advocating to save our country. Just shooting her mouth off on TV is entertaining but what has she done any different from us? We make noise. She makes noise and Democrats continue to destroy our America. Anne, run for the Senate. If Franken can win, so can you…..
Wednesday: Architecture Billings Index
10 hours ago
1 comment:
Need an extra $100,000? Oh, but keep in mind that no conventional birth records or newspaper references will satisfy the guy issuing the challenge; you will need to produce an eyewitness and compelling forensic evidence that B. Hussein was born in that Honolulu hospital. Because otherwise, all signs point to Mombasa. You know. Step-grandmother and all that.
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