Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Two Months of Recrimination in Less Than 24 Hours

Sure she was dangerously ignorant, but she really fired up the base!


DK Smith said...

She didn't know Africa is a continent? Really? Wow, it was worse than we thought. How is it even remotely possible for her to win in 2012?

GammaBoy said...

I was going to link to the same reporting coming off of O'Reilly's show. O'Reilly tried to defend her weakly, sayingthat maybe she could have been prepped more by the campaign.

Yes, she could have been prepped more. In high school.

When the finger-pointing begins after a failed campaign, it's hard to know what is truth and what isn't. The lions start to eat their young. But I'm sure there are going to be book's ferreting out the details of this stuff. If there is any truth to it, Palin's post-election career may follow Quayle's trajectory.

For the long-term health of the Republican party, it probably needs to.

Restless Native said...

"Knowledgability". This is a word? He used it a couple times.

Restless Native said...

"Knowledgability". This is a word? He used it a couple times.