Thursday, November 6, 2008

An Orgy of Election Data

There's an orgy of interactive election data up on the NYT site.  A few quick thoughts: first, the only areas of of the country that appear to becoming more Republican are the Ozarks and Appalachia.  Hello real America.  Second, while there seems to be a national shift towards the Democratic party vis a vis the 2004 election, compare the shifts between 2008 and 1996.  Even in defeat, the GOP appears to have more supporters now than in the Clinton years.

Finally, it's amazing how much the cities count in carrying the swing states.  If you look at the results on a county by county level, McCain blew Obama away among the dairy and desert electorate. 


GammaBoy said...

Obama clearly dominated the vote from young, handsome, and tanned urbanites.

LPJ said...

For fans of shrinky dinks or psychedelic ink blots, you really should check out this page. Really interesting way to visualize the results.

Restless Native said...

Thank you, GammaBoy. Handsome... tee hee... You're quite the charmer.