Tuesday, November 11, 2008

GammaBoy Baby Break

Sorry for the absence of coffee breaks lately, but I have been on a rather intensive baby break. Mother and baby are both healthy and doing well, so I'd like to introduce KP to Daniel Christian GammaBoy Jr.

GammaBoy is, of course, thrilled, as evidenced by this photo of GammaBoy and his new son (with GammaBoy in requisite anonymous blogger/superhero disguise)

GammaBoy Jr. is eating well and seems completely content with his entry to our world. At least that was case until his father explained the likely ramifications of the latest Fannie/Freddie proposal. Daniel's reaction mirrored his father's. Like father, like son.


DK Smith said...

Congratulations! Does this make you GammaMan?

Yo Gabba Gabba said...

Way to go Gamma! [Insert cliches about life changes here], but they are all true!