Monday, November 10, 2008

How much more do we have to pay?

For those who like Obama's rhetoric on taxes and hitting those who make above 250K (from Fortune Magazine, HENRY=High Earning, not rich yet):
Those that make 250K+ already get slammed, frankly as do those who make 100K+. How much more do I have to bleed for government programs?


Restless Native said...

Concerned who might VooDoo be? Could be a veteran living in a Mormon/Sin filled den of iquity/iniquity?

VooDoo said...

You got the veteran part and living in a den of sin part right but there's nothing Mormon about my location.

Restless Native said...

Ahh, soooo. Should have been "Easy", no "Big" guy?

VooDoo said...

You speaketh the truth my brother